Frank Steidinger Apps

Locale Calendar Plugin
A condition plugin for Locale which cancheckif your calendar contains an appointment. Can be used to e.g.setthe phone to silent mode whenever your work calendar containsanappointment. You can set the plugin to ignore appointmentsthatcontain certain words (e.g. 'traveling') or those that span awholeday.Please note that this plugin requires Locale from two fortyfoura.m. LLC.Release Notes0.8.7: allow using all synced calendars as basis of conditions,eventhose that are not displayed in the calendar app0.8.5: fixed a bug preventing the plugin from recognizingsomeevents in the background0.8.4: Fix some crashes0.8.3:- support for lead times longer than 24 hours- text conditions (e.g. "Title contains") can now check forexactphrase. Enclose phrase in double quotes (e.g. "just atest")0.8.2 / 0.8.1a:- Fixed overlapping version ranges for the differentplugins,providing each version with a different versionnumber.0.8.1:- Redesigned GUI to make better use of bigger screens- lead time is no longer limited to a fixed list of choices- minimum Android version is now 2.2 (Froyo)- supports Android Final version for Android 1.5 - Android 2.1, only changefrom0.7.1 is in the App description for the Market limitingthesupported Android versions.0.7.1:- No functional changes, only enabled logging output due totheproblems some users have with the plugin condition changesnotbeing picked up by Locale.0.7.0:- Checking title / location for more than one word is nowsupported:Separate words with a comma.- Checking availability status of calendar (free / busy) isnowsupported.0.6.0:- Checking whether the event's location contains / does notcontaincertain words is now supported.- Preview includes availability status and location.- The calendar selection is no longer lost when the screenisrotated.0.5.1: New menu item allows testing the settings againsttheselected calendars' next events.0.5.0:- Now allows more than one calendar to be selected.- Added option to check if title contains one or more words.- Removed option 'Calendar state' which was used check ifthecalendar contains an entry or not.0.4.2: Improved calendar queries to reduce likelihoodoferrors0.4.1: Fixed a bug causing a "force close" when calendarcheckdoesn't return any entries0.4: Fixed a bug preventing plugin from recognizing calendarentriesif there was no text given in option "Event title mustnotcontain:".